Registration of working time

Under a new act on working time registration that came into force on 1 July this year, most workers in Denmark are now required to register their working time.  

  • As a general rule, all AU employees must register your total daily working time. 

  • If you are an academic staff member or a people manager, you are eligible for an exemption from the working time registration requirement. Your manager is responsible for handling your exemption. If you’ve been exempted from the working time registration requirement, you don’t have to take any action in this regard. If you’ve been exempted, this will be stated in your employment contract or in an addendum to your employment contract. 

If you’re required to register your working time under the new act:   

You can access your personal ATR (in Danish “ArbejdsTidsRegistrering”) folder at the department’s SharePoint site: ”Arbejdstidsregistrering, Institut for Biologi, Aarhus Universitet” 

In it, you will find your AU working time registration form. Your total daily working time has been registered in advance on the form (37 hours/week). You only need to register your working time on days when you work more or less than your normal daily working hours.  

If you are employed part-time, you can adjust the form accordingly. 

Only you and your section head have access to your ATR form. However, a few trusted employees from the secretariat will also have access to the site for maintenance purposes. In accordance with the law, AU must store your ATR form for 5 years, so you must not delete your form after the turn of the year. The secretariat will ensure that it is saved and later deleted.