Web support

If you want to create one or more pages on either bio.au.dk or projects.au.dk in connection with a project, the following must be clarified before contacting web editor Anne Mehlsen, who will help create the page:

• An editor responsible for maintaining the pages

• Text and images – enough to fill a few pages (including the front page).

When the above is in place, Anne Mehlsen will call a mandatory meeting, where the new editor will get access to the website and the appertaining folder for various files. The meeting is designed to give an insight into the use of the most used elements in TYPO3, "practice" on the Department's websites, the Faculty's web guidelines and to provide information on image use (including copyright) and web accessibility.

Anne Mehlsen will follow the website's development and will contact the editor if necessary. This is to ensure that the website at all times follows the faculty's guidelines in terms of content.

Editorial responsibility for the website rests with the editor. However, if you need guidance, you may book a meeting with Anne Mehlsen.

Guidelines for project pages

The management has established the following guidelines regarding project pages (incl. research groups and centers).

All researchers are obliged to maintain and continuously update project pages (created under bio.au.dk in TYPO3). The pages must at least be maintained in English. About every six months there will be a follow-up on whether the pages are maintained and there will be cleaned up of out-of-date content and pages.

The Secretariat can to some extent help with setting up the pages and uploading content. However, the individual research groups will also have to set up and upload content themselves. Setup and maintenance of center pages is handled by the center coordinators associated with the individual center.

Support associated with the secretariat: Anne Mehlsen

The individual project pages and pages of research groups and centers should at least include:

  • An overall description of the project / group / center incl. funding provider and members of the group / project participants
  • Relevant contact information
  • Relevant links to publications, partners and infrastructure

Guidelines for image use

All images on AU's websites must be accompanied by a photographer.

According to Copyright, we may not use the information material of other sources (images, videos, articles, graphs, etc.) without permission and indication of this.

If people appear on the pictures, make sure to also get permission to publish the pictures on our websites (bio.au.dk, bio.staff.au.dk and studerende.au.dk/studier/fagportal/biologi/). When obtaining permission for image use state where the images are to be published and the fact that the images can be revoked at any time.

Send an e-mail containing attached photos to Anne Mehlsen, who arranges for journaling.

The department must always be able to document that we have obtained consent for the use of images.

AU is covered by the Accessibility Act. This means, among other things, that the website must be accessible to as many users as possible, including users with many different disabilities. Visually impaired people must have the opportunity to have the picture read out, therefore their picture on the website must be accompanied by a description
